
I am growNman 86

John David Lewis Season 47 Episode 86
What if you could transform your health and mindset just by making a few simple changes? Today, I share my journey since turning 40, including how embracing a keto diet and cutting out gluten have led to remarkable health improvements. We'll also reflect on the summer school experience and the critical need to make learning fun and engaging for our kids. I can't stress enough the importance of setting a positive example for our children, teaching them resilience and problem-solving by letting them face challenges head-on without shortcuts.

The heart of this episode underscores the power of hard work, consistency, and maintaining a positive mindset to achieve your goals. Are your efforts truly aligned with your aspirations, or is complaining holding you back? Learn how being "great on purpose" can elevate your life and honor the memory of those we've lost, like Jordan Thornhill. It's time to live intentionally and get after your goals—because if you don't, life will get after you.
Speaker 1:

What up, though, and welcome back to I'm Growing man, shemaine John D in the building. Happy summer to everybody. Hope everybody's having a productive summer. I've started back work with summer school. Things are going pretty well. Just completed the first week, trying to make school a fun place for kids to come. They know that they got to learn as long as we make it interesting and fine, they do their part, and I think that's what I'm learning. Somehow I need to do that during the regular school year, and I've definitely noticed a different production out of these students. So it's been a blessing to actually work this summer, but I wanted to get on here and talk about process.

Speaker 1:

You know the process of life, process of how to live life. You can live it however you want, but there's a process in any and everything, and, depending on where you are in life, you could be working on something better or you could think that you don't have time to get better, not just talk. Like you, put into action, put that effort in results, change and doors open up. You get opportunities that you wouldn't have normally had if you didn't put the work in, and I think a lot of times, like I said, your age plays a huge role in how you view what you can and can't get. I'm 46. I'm closer to 50 than 40. And in my head I feel like I have the energy of a youth. I know I have to take care of my body a lot more intentional with that but I have the effort as if I'm trying to become my dream as a child. I just know that in order for me to do that, it's going to take an effort that I didn't grow up seeing, and where I am now I want to be the example for my kids, to see what it looks like to always have the drive to want to get better. You know, I remember when my father was my age and I used to think he was old. But you're as old as you feel and I feel great.

Speaker 1:

I'm in a very happy place. I'm enjoying my daytime, my evenings, my weekends, getting better sleep. I'm looking for better sleep, but for the most part I'm enjoying life and the point of this podcast is to show different ways to improve so that people's quality of life can truly improve. And it can improve if you're not doing anything and I do want you to know it only takes as little as writing some things down and looking at it every so often, where you can remind yourself like you can't get here without moving your feet. The more you move your feet, the closer you get to your goal. But if you're not, I know I have a lot of butts in here, but it's going to take your effort to get what you want.

Speaker 1:

And other than me just telling you what I did, I hope that you see the example of my energy that I try to give off wholeheartedly the happiest I've ever been in my life and, I think, the least amount as far as being out and about just focusing on getting better and making my household be the foundation for my kids. You know, I know everybody believes that that's what they do, but if you don't talk to anybody, you don't know what a foundation looks like, unless you're blessed enough to have a couple of good parents, and then you're probably not watching this podcast. Watching this podcast and this is for you know people just looking for other options to get closer to their goals because they didn't have, you know, the best examples growing up and I'm not saying you can't learn from me, even if you did grow up with your parents, but if some of these things seem a little redundant for you. That's the reason why Because I'm starting from where I was as a youth and what I thought I needed and what I thought could help me to at least get the wheels moving a little faster than they did. My journey started just around it. We can just say like 40.

Speaker 1:

And that came with some intentional work, like changing my diet and following it and seeing the results from it. The result the diet that I did. It was keto originally, but removing gluten it changes your body makeup. You have no idea how much, how difficult it is to remove from your system if you keep putting it in. But that's that's one thing I definitely recommend Drink a lot of water. At least have your body weight. This it helps your body operate and function accordingly. A lot of times people are dehydrated and work in their body more than it needs to and it breaks down on other parts of your body and you know you don't want that to happen. So let's make sure we drink enough water to keep us hydrated so that we can be as productive as possible.

Speaker 1:

Your effort If you have kids and you're taking shortcuts, your kids won't know that they're shortcuts. They think that's a part of life and they're going to miss a message. So please be careful with how you move through life, because your kids, they absorb everything that you do and they won't know that your bad habits are bad, because it's what parents do, that's what our parents do, except they won't get away. They won't get the reward you got by skipping that message. They're going to get a consequence that you couldn't explain because you didn't take the long way. And I'm not saying this to chastise anyone. Please forgive me if that's what it sounds like. I'm just saying that you can always teach them a process. You can let them know hey, you took some shortcuts, you missed some messages and your job is to give them as many options to be successful as possible. And you know what I just recently learned. You know, if you're in a position to give your kids any and everything, when they find trouble or obstacles or difficulties, don't help them immediately. Let them struggle, and not struggle where it's going to drop them crazy, but struggle enough for them to actually get the wheels turning, like how did I get here? How can I not be here again?

Speaker 1:

A lot of times, parents, they do so much to protect their kids from the outside world that they don't really transition and adjust accordingly when they become adults or when they make that transition from them away from their parents. And that's something I know that we need to be careful of in my household, because we want to do better than our parents, but doing better than our parents we don't know what that really looks like, because it got us here. We're just thinking about if our parents would do we would have done what we're doing now. Where would we have been? Where would we have been? But we've developed a lot of survival tactics and strategies to move through life and it helped us problem solve and we can't take that away from our kids, because if we do take that away from our kids, a lot of problems won't be solved because unless you're around and our job is to give them the tools to problem solve when we're not around, in order to show your kids this process, it has to be consistent.

Speaker 1:

Your body is an autopilot majority of your life and then if you don't have great routines to reinforce what you want to create later, you're going to be an autopilot wasting your time. So I highly recommend any and everybody that want to find ways to improve to the journal. Write down 24 hours in a day, take out eight for sleep and actually market. This is when I'm supposed to be sleep, because your body's supposed to get the rest it deserves to be able to perform the way that you want. Then you have 16 hours left. That's roughly I know this is just guesstimating eight hours for work.

Speaker 1:

If you don't work in your field, on the area that you want to get better, you should be trying to master your job, where somebody recognizes that you are something special and you shouldn't be in that position anymore. It's going to take an effort that you are going to have to put in if you want a different result. A lot of people who are in the positions that they're in. They complain about their positions every day and don't work hard to change anything. Can you believe that People complain about their job but they don't work hard to get out of it? And it's a poor practice and it creates a ceiling. If your kids are watching, they're going to think that that's okay to live.

Speaker 1:

We can complain about something that you know. We can actually, you know, change by working a little harder or finding ways to to get what we think we deserve so that we don't complain. Consistency, effort and keeping yourself accountable will make you look for a better version of yourself after you get that first taste that you've improved. And it's it's addictive, and I know I've been talking about this week after week, but I'm I'm I'm an advocate for improving. I believe that if you can improve, you can have the world this is your world to take, and if you're not improving, you just probably complain it.

Speaker 1:

The people that I know that look for ways to improve. They don't complain too much. I challenge all of you guys. Think about the people that complain a lot, or half the time, or whatever. Are they working hard enough to prevent that complaining from happening? And if they're not, then you already know the answer. And if you're a part of that population, you have the tools to work harder than you are to stop complaining. Complaining is what's slowing you down from the goal that you're supposed to be walking toward.

Speaker 1:

Put the effort in, find the consistency and enjoy your journey. Your kids deserve it, you deserve it, the people around you deserve it. When you get what you want and you understand how important you are, you get a piece that you want to give to the people around you and you know how you do it by leading by example and just being great on purpose. That's the way I feel on the inside. I feel like if you put that effort to be great, you don't know what it'd look like, so why not do it? What if you really become great Because you actually put the effort in for whatever it looks like?

Speaker 1:

I want to dedicate this episode. I'm not for sure if I did another episode but Jordan Thornhill, 221 Sigma Chapter. He recently lost his life and I wanted to send love to his family and friends, who were all impacted by this reason, and I don't know what the reason was for everybody. But the reason for me is that we have to appreciate the moments we have, because we never know when it can be taken. Y'all make today better than yesterday. Don't worry about anything you can't control. G-a-t-a Get after that action or that action will get after you. Be great on purpose.